Give the Gift of HOPE
Your gift to The Center for Family Justice helps ensure that CFJ can provide necessary services to clients impacted by domestic and sexual violence and child abuse.
Your gift of:
$25 One hour of service on our 24/7 crisis hotlines
$50 Emergency supplies for a victim entering our safe house
$100 An hour of counseling for a victim on a local college campus
$200 Bilingual crisis counseling services for domestic violence victims
$250 An hour of legal services for a survivor leaving their abuser
$500 Coordination of a forensic interview for a child who has experienced extreme abuse
$1,000 One week at Camp HOPE America - Bridgeport for a child or teen recovering from the trauma of abuse
$2,500 Comprehensive counseling and support services for a sexual assault victim
$5,000 A 30-day safe house stay for a family in crisis
Thank you for letting our clients know that Hope Starts Here.
We appreciate your generous support. It will be put to work immediately to create lasting change.
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